Sponsorship for TNC Kalai Vizha 2023

Sponsorship for TNC Kalai Vizha 2023

TNC Kalai Vizha 2023 is scheduled for October, 7th 2023. This annual event is organized by the Tamils of Northern California (TNC) with the objective of fostering the cultural heritage of the Tamil Community in the Bay Area. The event will feature various programs like dance, music, drama etc., by the local artists and children. This cultural show, an annual event being organized for more than 20 years, attracts an audiences of over 500 local residents and receives wide publicity among the more than 10,000 strong Bay Area Tamil Community.

Please select any one of the following:

  • Placing advertisement in our cultural show Souvenir.
  • Prominently displaying advertising banners or a booth at the auditorium.
  • Makings donation to promote cultural life in the Bay Area.

Your generous contributions and sponsorship is much appreciated!

TNC Event Sponsorship Form

Contact Infomation

Ad Selection

*For amount exceeding $500 we suggest using Check as the payment method.  Please select Check as the payment option.

Sponsorship Summary

Ad Choice $ 
Additional Donation $ 
Payment Method  
Total payment : $

You have selected Paypal as the payment option.
Your total payment amount includes PayPal fee.
When you submit, you will be redirected to PayPal.com for payment processing. Please do not close the Brower.

Please note that we do not collect any payment information at tnc-usa.org.

You have selected check as the payment option. Please make check payable to: T.N.C
P. O. Box 15025
Fremont, CA 94539

**For Banners Display and Booths, TNC is not responsible for printing and displaying banner at Venue nor setting up the booth.